Web Developer & Architect

Building Modern & Scalable Web Solutions

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Project Showcase

A curated collection of my digital craftsmanship

Building Kotek: a Custom E-commerce Platform with Integrated Shipping Management

Building Kotek

Developed a comprehensive e-commerce solution with integrated shipping provider APIs and advanced order management capabilities.
Developed a comprehensive e-commerce solution with integrated shipping provider APIs and advanced order management capabilities.
Full Stack Developer
Building Kotek: a Custom E-commerce Platform with Integrated Shipping Management
Building Kotek: a Custom E-commerce Platform with Integrated Shipping Management
Building Kotek: a Custom E-commerce Platform with Integrated Shipping Management
Building Kotek: a Custom E-commerce Platform with Integrated Shipping Management
Building Kotek: a Custom E-commerce Platform with Integrated Shipping Management
Building Kotek: a Custom E-commerce Platform with Integrated Shipping Management
Building Kotek: a Custom E-commerce Platform with Integrated Shipping Management

Building Lork: A Lightweight Node.js Framework

Building Lork

Developing a custom Node.js framework with hand-crafted HTTP protocol handling, session management, and authentication systems.
Developing a custom Node.js framework with hand-crafted HTTP protocol handling, session management, and authentication systems.
Backend Developer
Building Lork: A Lightweight Node.js Framework
Building Lork: A Lightweight Node.js Framework
Building Lork: A Lightweight Node.js Framework
Building Lork: A Lightweight Node.js Framework

Architecting Noor: A Modular Live Video Streaming Platform

Architecting Noor

Designing and developing a modular video platform with advanced features. This is an ongoing project.
Designing and developing a modular video platform with advanced features. This is an ongoing project.
Full Stack Developer
Architecting Noor: A Modular Live Video Streaming Platform
Architecting Noor: A Modular Live Video Streaming Platform
Architecting Noor: A Modular Live Video Streaming Platform

Technical Skills

API Development

RESTful API Design
API Authentication & Security
API Versioning & Documentation
API Testing & Debugging

Databases & ORMs

Prisma ORM

System Architecture

Framework Design
System Integration

Version Control

Git & GitHub

Core Programming

System Design

Frontend Development

Responsive Design
State Management
© 2025 Yacine Zendaoui. All rights reserved.